Optimize images with JPEG/PNG

You are wondering about your images size can flood your server disk space and doesn’t want to optimize one by one image.So, you can use JpegOptim and PngOptim tool now on CentOS & Ubuntu.


I. Prerequisites


You need to install following linux tool




Install JpegOptim with Centos


yum -y install https://extras.getpagespeed.com/release-latest.rpm
sudo yum update
sudo yum install -y jpegoptim


Install JpegOptim with Ubuntu


sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y jpegoptim


Install JpegOptim with HomeBrew


brew install jpegoptim




Install OptiPng with CentOS


sudo yum update
sudo yum install -y optipng


Install OptiPng with Ubuntu


sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y optipng


Install OptiPng with HomeBrew


brew install optipng




3. ImageMagic


Install ImageMagic with CentOS


yum install ImageMagick ImageMagick-devel ImageMagick-perl


Install ImageMagic with Ubuntu




Install ImageMagic with MacOSX Brew


brew install imagemagick


II. Optimize images


Run following command to optimize your images


find . -iname '*.jpeg' -print0 |  xargs -0 -n 1 -P 6 jpegoptim --max=82 --all-progressive --strip-all --preserve --totals --force
find . -iname '*.jpg' -print0 |  xargs -0 -n 1 -P 6 jpegoptim --max=82 --all-progressive --strip-all --preserve --totals --force
find . -iname '*.png' -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 -P 6 optipng -o7 -preserve


Run following command to resize your images width into 1500 for maximum


find . -iname '*.jpeg' -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 -P 6 mogrify -format jpeg -flatten -resize 1500\>
find . -iname '*.png' -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 -P 6 mogrify -format png -flatten -resize 1500\>
find . -iname '*.jpg' -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 -P 6 mogrify -format jpg -flatten -resize 1500\>





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