Integrate Firebase Authenticate with Loopback

I. What is Firebase?

Firebase is a platform that will allow you to develop android apps quickly. It offers a number of different services built-in, including some basic analytics.

It includes a lot of helpful services for developers:

  • Authentication
  • Realtime database
  • Storage
  • Hosting

II. How to setup Firebase?

  1. You need to create new project from your Firebase Account
  2. Enable Social Account Integration via Authentication > Sign Method
    1. Facebook: You need to create Facebook Application .Then you need to add the APP ID and APP Private from Facebook Developer
    2. Google
    3. Twitter: You need to create Twitter Application .Then you need to add APP ID and APP Private from Twitter panel.
  3. Download Project Server Configuration
    1. Go to Project Settings > Service Accounts > Admin SDK configuration snippet
    2. Go to Project Settings > Service Accounts > Generate New Private Key

III. Setup Loopback & Firebase Intergration

Install NodeJS Firebase package

npm install --save firebase-admin

From private key in previous step, Let’s save your serviceAccountKey.json into server/serviceAccountKey.json.

Implement your Remote Method handler, the client (mobile or web client) will post into server a request with token that was used from Firebase’s client. Then you can use the token to parse and verify the information with Firebase from server side.

'use strict';
var admin = require('firebase-admin');
var serviceAccount = require('../../server/serviceAccountKey.json');
admin.initializeApp({ type: "service_account", credential:admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount) });
module.exports = function (Account) {
Account.loginFirebase = function(token,callback){
    admin.auth().verifyIdToken(token).then(function (decodedToken) {
    console.log(decodedToken); // Your logic here });

Then everything was finished, you can use decoded

Token to parse email and account information with your logic.

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